Friday, August 30, 2013

How Many Paper Clips?

Follow Directions & Answer Questions as a group  (click here):
1) What do can you infer will happen based on the previous activity? (pepper)
2) How many paper clips do you predict will over fill the graduated cylinder?
2)Take  a graduated cylinder, fill it with water, and use a dropper to fill it up even more. 
3) Place one paper clip at a time slowly as the group is counting how many paper clips it takes until the water over fills.   
4) Record data in the table in the back of the classroom. 
5) Discuss why it takes _____ # of paper clips. What is happening scientifically?


The Pepper Problem

Follow Directions:
Step 1) Sprinkle a small amount of pepper into cup of water.
Step 2) Touch the center of the water's surface with a straw that has been dipped in soap.
Step 3) Observe what happens, then design an experiment to investigate the cause.
1)Explain the phenomena in your own words.
2) What happened when you added pepper to the water?
3)What happened when you added soap? 
Resources: & Dr. Chew

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Pit Crew: Racecar Problem

Race Car Problem: (click here to respond)

You are part of the pit crew for this racecar and you must find out why it will not go faster than 20 mph, when it is built to go over 100 mph. 
Write down 5 main steps needed to figure out this problem.
What happens if you do not have a plan? What would happen if you did step three before step two?

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